Nick Gernert standing in a maroon polo.
I'm Nick Gernert

I'm a UX Designer, who does UX Research, and codes. I research, design and code optimized solutions for the defense industry. I work at Altamira Technologies as a Senior UX Designer with fifteen years of experience in software development. I live near Dayton, OH with my beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters, and 3 dogs.

I've worked with

Altamira Logo Ursa Space Systems Logo CareSource Logo Teradata Logo CACI Logo


Small Pets mobile store design

Small Pets mobile store design


Local pet store specializing on pet supplies for small pets.


Design a mobile app that will allow users to subscribe to products to increase recurring revenue.


UX Designer

ReminderX mobile design

ReminderX mobile design


ReminderX is a todo app.


Design a mobile app that allows for user onboarding and creating smart reminders that will account for travel time.


UX ResearcherUX Designer

Meals on Wheels form design

Meals on Wheels form design


Clark CountyLocal Meals on Wheels branch.


Help the local Meals on Wheels organization with form submissions.


UX Designer

Your objective should always be to eliminate instructions entirely by making everything self-explanatory, or as close to it as possible. When instructions are absolutely necessary, cut them back to a bare minimum.